Name: oshogbo//vx
Real name: Mariusz Zaborski
E-mail: oshogbo (at)
Twitter: oshogbovx
GitHub: oshogbo
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My name is Mariusz Zaborski, also known as oshogbo. I’m a Polish software developer. My main areas of interest are OS security, low-level programming and fileystems.

In my free time, I contribute to the open-source community. I have been a FreeBSD committer since 2015. My primary work in this project is focused, but not limited to, creating infrastructure around Capsicum - process sandboxing technique based on capabilities. I was also a successful student of the Google Summer of Code 2013 for this project. In the past, I was a team member of vexillium group, a group of computer enthusiasts. We participated in some GameDev competitions with notable success. Unfortunately, the group is no longer active. I also organized two mettups: the Polish BSD User Group (BSD-PL, since 2018), and a security meetup - No Such Meetup (since 2019). Unfortunetly, both project were canceled due to COVID.

Besides this blog I also like to share my experience and work at conferences. I was a speaker at a number of BSD and security conferences. I also wrote articles for some international and local magazines.

I live in Warsaw, a big capital city in Europe.

Please also notice that the posts on this blog represent my private opinion, not my employer’s opinion, nor of any teams I belong to or any of the open source community I work with.

Year Where What Language Title
2024ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: RCE in ARC
2024ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: Windows command injection
2024ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: Vim modeline
2023ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: Analysis of errors in BMC
2023ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: Deserialization in PHP
2023ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: Bug in ping(8)
2022FreeBSD JournalArticleENGIntroduction to CARP
2022ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: Bug in sudo
2022ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: Spring4Shell
2022ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: log4j
2022ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: heartbleed
2021ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: Wordpress
2021FreeBSD JournalArticleENGHow to Implement Simple USB Driver for FreeBSD
2021ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: OpenBSD Authorization
2021ProgramistaArticlePLCVE Archive: Shellshock
2021FreeBSD JournalArticleENGSeven Ways to Increase Security in a New FreeBSD Installation
2020FreeBSD FridaysLectureENGIntroduction to Capsicum
2020FreeBSD JournalArticleENGGoogle Summer of Code
2020AsiaBSDConArticleENGLet's (D)Trace Postgres (co-author: Adam Wolk)
2019BSDNowPodcastENG330: Happy Holidays, All(an)
2019FreeBSD JournalArticleENGCapsicum Update 2019
2019Paged Out!ArticleENGTracing Recipes!
2019CNSM 2019PosterENGCapExec: towards transparently-sandboxed services (co-authors: Mahya Soleimani Jadidi, Brian Kidney, Jonathan Anderson)
2019Security BSidesLecturePLDynamic Tracing
2019Paged Out!ArticleENGFun with process descriptors
2019ProgramistaArticlePLReproducible Builds
2019BSD-PLLectureENGBSDCan 2019 - recap
2019PGConLectureENGLet's (D)Trace Postgres tracing the madness (co-author: Adam Wolk)
2019BSDCanLectureENGBuilding a security appliance based on FreeBSD
2019AsiaBSDConTutorialENGSandboxing applications with Capsicum
2019FreeBSD JournalArticleENGFreeBSD for Developers
2019Warsaw PostgreSQL User GroupLecturePLDTrace PostgreSQL (co-author: Adam Wolk)
2018PozSecLecturePLZFS in the unsecured world
2018MeetBSD CaliforniaLectureENGBest practices of sandboxing applications with Capsicum
2018Security BSidesLecturePLReproducible Builds
2018FreeBSD JournalArticleENGProtect your secrets with YubiKey (co-author: Jaroslaw Zurek, Michal Borysiak)
2018FreeBSD JournalArticleENGCapsicum - Just apply me!
2018BSD-PLLecturePLCheckpoints in ZFS
2018AsiaBSDConArticle and lectureENGBuilding a security appliance based on FreeBSD
2017Security BSidesLecturePLZFS in eye of a hacker
2017Unix na wolnociLecturePLCan I trust you? - Reproducible Builds
2017BSDTWLectureENGA case study of sandboxing base systems with Capsicum
2017EuroBSDConLectureENGA case study of sandboxing base systems with Capsicum
2017AsiaBSDConArticle and lectureENGA case study of sandboxing base systems with Capsicum
2017ProgramistaArticlePLMacros in C
2016Security BSidesLecturePLQuick look in the security of banking
2016pkgsrcConLectureENGThe last word in file systems
2016BSDCanLectureENGCapsicum and Casper fairy tale about solving security problems
2016AsiaBSDConArticle and lectureENGCapsicum and Casper fairy tale about solving security problems
2015Security BSidesLecturePLPrivilege separation
2015ProgramistaArticlePLZFS - revolution in the file systems
2014;login; UsenixArticleENGSandboxing with Capsicum, co-author with Pawel Dawidek
2014Security BSidesLecturePLBuilding secure network appliance using open source technology
2014BSDCanLectureENGCapsicum and Casper - more than a lipstick on a pig, co-author with Pawel Dawidek